Area of Focus:
CBT/DBT, Indigenous Populations, Abuse, Trauma, Criminal & Justice
Bridget has an abundance of experience as a seasoned clinician helping others, especially using her skills as a certified Cognitive Behaviour and Dialectical Behaviour Psychotherapist.
Bridget has a profound passion for working with priority populations, such as individuals with acute mental health concerns, those with histories of trauma, the Indigenous population, and individuals involved with the criminal justice system.
Bridget is currently the Lead Trauma Consultant at Qualia Counselling Services. She facilitates the agency’s trauma peer supervision group and provides ad hoc trauma consultations to colleagues. Bridget currently teaches CBT Level 1, CBT Level 2 and CBT for Trauma Level 2 courses at Wilfrid Laurier University. She also provides supervision to students enrolled in the CBT for Trauma program as a part of their course requirements.
Bridget has significant trauma training and is passionate about bringing the power of her post graduate training in Compassionate Inquiry to her clients and students. As a part of her acceptance into this program, Bridget was able to study directly under Dr. Gabor Maté and completed rigorous training in his approach.
Bridget is the Chair of the Families for Awareness, Change and Education (FACE) Advisory Committee at Grand River Hospital, where she works alongside the mental health and addictions leadership team by reviewing and supporting person and family centred initiatives (eg. new policies and programs), advocates for strengthened communication and collaboration with hospital staff, patients and families, and participates in the evaluation of outcomes to improve the patient and family experience.