We’ve come to the end of our FREE CBT series and we’re going to finish it out with the topic of practice makes progress. As you apply the skills you’ve learned in this series we want you to remember that this is a practice and that you will continue to get better at these skills as you apply them. There is a video and a free handout at the end of this post.
If you can picture a young child sitting at the piano, practicing toward progress (rather than perfection), that feels better to me.
We’re continually developing and moving toward our goals. Improvement in our lives is continuous, so the idea of progress feels more accurate.
When it comes to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, it’s good to think of these techniques that we’re learning as skills that we can practice and become better at over time.
So this concept of “Practice Makes Progress” really applies here as well as to life in general.
The focus on practice makes progress not perfection affects us in several positive ways:
• let go of perfection
• think of it as an ongoing, evolving process
• generous & compassionate idea
• practice means we can keep trying, keep going, keep getting better (more accessible)
Here are some ways we can apply this concept of “practicing”. When we do, we can see that there is a lot of practicing in life and that’s how we progress. For example:
• Doctors practice medicine
• Lawyers practice law
• Social Workers practice psychotherapy
Applied to Life in General:
• Balanced thinking
• Mindfulness
• Self Compassion
• Gratitude
• Self Care
*This video is part of a FREE CBT Resources Series on our YouTube channel
and one of many video blogs on our website!*
Click this link to view in a new window & download: Change Your Thoughts Worksheet.
The post Practice Makes Progress appeared first on Qualia Counselling.