How often do you bother to take the time to reward yourself for your accomplishments?
It’s common to think of the reward system we tend to use with kids. They get a lolly pop or a sticker. Sometimes we discredit how powerful those things are! We think, “I don’t need that- I’m an adult.” but rewarding yourself for an accomplishment is really important!
Whether the accomplishment is big or small, settle into a moment and celebrate the fact that you accomplished something- be proud of yourself because you deserve it!
Maybe it’s something small and simple that you’ve accomplished today (like making your bed or washing the floor). For small things, you might just pat yourself on the back. When it’s a bigger accomplishment- the type that comes around less frequently, maybe you’ll go out for dinner or have a party to celebrate!
Try noticing your accomplishments this week and give yourself credit- celebrate!
*This video is part of a Quick Tips for Mental Health Series on our YouTube channel
and one of many video blogs on our website!*
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